Friday, October 12, 2007

A little advice from Jimbo

Today's weigh in: 230.0 (NEW LOW!!!)

Ok, so that's my October goal if I can hold onto it. It's like October 12th though, so... YAY!! Now I just have to hold onto it. I think I should be able to, though even if I did cheat a bit today. More on that later.

I thought I'd put in my two cents on something that was said yesterday. Someone (and I don't remember who) mentioned something about eating as a social activity, and how the felt out sometimes. I thought I'd just mention something here.

Having a meal is a social activity, and it should be enjoyed, but you can enjoy it without eating what eveyone else is eating. You just have to keep your focus on the right thing, and that's what you CAN eat. I had a situation at work a few weeks ago where pizza was bought by the company for all of the employees, and I ended up eating the lunch I had packed. I didn't worry about what everyone else was doing, I just sat and enjoyed my lunch and my piece of fruit. Throughout the meal I sat and talked to everyone else that was eating, joking and having a good time. I can still remember how good my plum tasted. If you're going to succed in this, that's the attitude that you need to have. Enjoy the people, they're your friends/family/coworkers, but the food just is what it is. Focus and what you CAN have and not what you CAN'T. It's not always easy, but it's easier than losing the same five pounds eight times before you finally get rid of them. Just my little thought for the day.

Excercise today was ok. I walked three miles this morning, and followed that up with some push-ups and situps. Eating could have been better, but I don't think I did TOO horribly. Breakfast was a peach. Lunch was two tuna sandwiches and a salad with a Gatorade. Dinner was a pluot and a brat. I didn't have any other leftovers to bring, but it was only one brat and the rest of the day was ok, so I think it shouldn't hurt that much. Here's hoping anyway.


Kevin A. said...

Congrats on an unreal October, man. Hitting your goal with 19 days left is sick - in a good way. Good for you.

Rob Tucker said...

Did you say your goal for the wedding was 230?

Surely you meant 225 ;)

Awesome, man. Make sure your tux fits! Our last day for refittings is tomorrow if you want to be sure, I'm heading over to Men's Warehouse tomorrow.

Kristen said...

I agree with you to some extent, but I don't know that I'd always be strong enough to sit there with temptation in my face for that long without giving in.

Melissa said...

Way to go reaching your goal so early! And Im defintely up for a Michigan 5K ;)

Jay said...

congrats on the new low man! Set a new goal and make it happen!

Rebecca said...

I think that was me who said that. You make a good point. I think though, like Kristen said, it can be really hard to watch everybody eat pizza while you eat fruit. And to willingly subject yourself to it (as opposed to a meeting that you have to attend or something like that) can be torturous, and tempt fate, particularly at the early stages of weight loss. Plus, people, in their well-meaning efforts, often equate eating something different as differentiating yourself from the group. That having been said, I agree with you - the people are the most important thing.

Congrats on hitting your October goal 19 days early! I'm sure you will maintain it.