Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today's weigh in: 222.6


...I finished the semester. I got an A in Anthropology and a B in statistics.

...I got some curtains up and the blinds down

...I got the shower doors out of the bathroom and a shower curtain up

...I got my wife off my back about the blinds and the shower doors

...I found five minutes to write a blog.

It's early, so today's eating is basically breakfast, a banana and some grapes and raisins, and lunch, some soup and salad. I have dinner packed for tonight, but I don't remember what it is, so I guess I'll report on that later. I had a final on Tuesday, and so I've been pretty busy. I spent the whole weekend shopping for things and then hanging them. Worse things have happened though I guess.

Weight loss has been a little frustrating the last few days. I was back up to 223.8 and then down to 222.0 and now I'm at 222.6 with a week left to hit my goal of 220 by Thanksgiving. I know I can do it, but it's Crunchtime now. Wish me luck, all.


Rebecca said...

Good luck - I have no doubt that you will get it done. CONGRATS on your grades - I'm sure that's a load off your mind. You worked hard.

swankywanker said...

Oh, I can't wait for my semester to be over and my grades to be in. I'm in stats, too. I'll be happy never to see the Greek alphabet again, how about you?

Jay said...

Good luck, and nice job in your classes!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the grades and hooray for the end of the semester! (Already? Really?)

I'll say "good luck" (good luck), but you won't need it with hard work, focus and dedication. Keep your eye on the goal and you'll undoubtedly hit it.

Melissa said...

Congrats on the grades Jim! Dont you love when you have been trying to get some house chores(or honey to do lsit) done and feels like its taking forever, and than finally you can cross those things off your list. Love that feeling of accomplisment.

I also know you will meet that Thanksgiving goal. Keep up the great work!

GeneTheK said...

Man I miss college. Being done in Nov. was the best.

Congrats on the 'A' (and on getting the wife off your back - double bonus points there).

Stay foucused - T minus 6 days until Turkey.

Rob Tucker said...

Congrats on getting her off your back about the chores. You of course realize that the next chore is coming in 3... 2... 1...

Marcol said...

Great job on the school grades Mr. Rockstar.

Rob Tucker said...

Hey, Jimbo - been 5 days. No big deal on the surface but make sure you get on here and post as much as you can. It'll keep you honest.

I'll be catching up with you later today for a few things, btw.