Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Don't feel so good.

Today's weigh in: 219.6 (NEW LOW!!!)

Today was a decent day eating wise, even if it was a bit repetitive. For breakfast it was grapes and a banana, lunch was a leftover turkey burger and a salad, dinner was another leftover turkey burger and a plum. I also had a couple handfuls of raisins earlier to curb an urge to snack. I didn't walk today. I feel like absolute crap. I'm just tired with a headache that won't go away. Somewhere out there, someone is saying, "Yeah, mine hurts too." No one gets that, I guess, except Tuck.

Sorry I've been gone so long. Things have been a bit rough lately on the personal side. I'm not going into details, but trust me when I tell you that it hasn't been fun. I'll be ok though, and at least I've stayed on track. Good thing I don't binge when I'm stressing, so I'm ok there.

In other news, I forgot to register early for the turkey trot, and now I have to wait in line on Thursday. Worse things have happened, but it sucks. I hate waiting in lines. At least we got the baby's picture with Santa done, though, so no lines for that. It would have been so cute too, if she hadn't screamed the entire time. Santa was very patient with her though, so we at least got something buyable. Speaking of holidays, Thanksgiving is coming on Thursday. Be smart, don't blow up your diet, and I'll talk to you all later.


Kristen said...

Hope everything gets better for you soon.

I didn't register early for the run, but I'm going down tomorrow to do it. Hopefully the line won't be as bad as Thursday morning.

Rob Tucker said...

It's not so bad when you get down there, really. I was surprised last year. It's not the huge long line that you're imagining it to be.

I have to pick up my stuff Thanksgiving morning too, so we'll be just fine if we get there early. I'm thinking we can leave like 6:30 from HP and be down there ready to roll. Perhaps the four of us can meet around 7:15ish?

As for your weight - Jimbo.. do you realize that you're less than 20 pounds from the ONE HUNDREDS!? That's incredible.

Rebecca said...

Sorry your personal life is taxing right now. I'm glad to know you know you'll be ok, and also glad to know that you didn't binge during your stress. That's a fantastic achievement! And... congrats on the new low!