Monday, November 26, 2007

Weekend 1, Jimbo 0

Today's Weigh In 220.6

So I totally thought that my weight would drop after my Saturday weigh-in, but it was the same on Sunday, although it came down a bit this morning, and I'm not sure why it was up at all. Worse things have happened I guess, and I'll just have to get over it, but that's definitely not the way I wanted to get headed toward my Christmas goal. Oh well, I'll still get there, but there's no reason to make things any harder on myself than I have to. It still sucks that the weekend beat me though, and I wasn't a bad little boy or anything. I'll just have to do better next weekend.

Today was a decent day. I did my three miles at the mall, it was fun. Riley actually acted like a good girl today and didn't cry constantly, so things went pretty well. Eating was OK. Breakfast was an orange since we're out of bananas, grapes and raisins. Lunch was two turkey sandwiches and a salad. Dinner was chicken fajitas, but I didn't use a lot of cheese, and I skipped the sour cream and guacamole entirely, so it should all come out OK, because that really just leaves chicken, veggies and two of the tortillas. I had like two forkfuls of the rice too, but not much because I don't really like it. It was takeout too, so no chips.

Yesterday was a pretty bad day on a personal level in Jimboland, and if you really want to know about it, you can read all about it in my comments to Melissa since I don't really feel like typing it all again. The good news is that when I get depressed I don't binge. The bad news is that I don't eat at all when I get depressed, and it's pretty scary. I lost twenty-five pounds in a month when my dad died, and I wasn't even trying to. I'll get through this mess though, and there's no point in worrying about it now, because the worst hasn't happened yet. But I'm being maudlin.

Tuck brought up an interesting point on his blog. Yes, it is holiday time, and yes, it's going to be hard to monitor yourself though the next month or so, but keep this in mind: You can undo several months of work in the next few weeks if you let yourself. It's not even hard to do. I understand the need to enjoy yourself, but we all (and I include myself here) need to keep our heads and do what we know is right. I'm not saying you can never slip outside your bounds, but you have to watch what you're doing and regulate it. This month is the home of the 3500 calorie MEAL. That's a pound all by itself. Be careful folks, because by the time this time of year is over, you could be really pissed at yourself.


Anonymous said...

I know I'm digging in for the upcoming barrage of food, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm digging in for the upcoming barrage of food, that's for sure.

Ripx180 said...

your last paragraph says it all. Time to take the reigns and get through the holidays. Its gonna be a ruff ride I would imagine.

Melissa said...

Great blog Jim. Even with a very hard obstacle your facing, you are still pulling through. That is a very hard thing to do. Thank you for your kind words on my blog, and please know your godmother is in my daily prayers. If you need anything let us know. HUGS!

kyle said...

I need to pay more attention to your little tidbits of direction. Maybe I'll start printing them or just writing down the high points. They'll serve to keep me on track. It's like the things that I know I need to tell myself, but I don't really listen or I just push them to the back of the brain. I guess hearing it from an outside source makes it harder to ignore. Thanks for your inspiration and guidence.

Geoff said...

It really brings it home to think that the amount of food we can eat during the holidays is so high in calories that it can undo weeks of effort. Thanks for the sobering reminder :-)

Rob Tucker said...

I didn't realize you were going through that with your Godmother, I'm sorry to hear it.

We just need to get it done. So many things fighting against us, but that's what makes us stronger, right?

Hang in there, Jimbo. I'm only 15 minutes away if you need anything.

Rebecca said...

Wow, 25 pounds in a month is a lot. I can only imagine what you went through, and are currently going through with your godmother. I'm sorry.

You are so right about the holidays - last holiday season my ex-GF said that she could eat next Thanksgiving, but for this one... not so much. I guess I kind of think of it that way too - restriction this holiday produces the desired results (weight loss), and lack of restriction is what got us all in this mess in the first place. As usual, you are on point with your common-sense, bottom line attitude.

Marcol said...

I did read about the personal life of Jim on Melissa's blog and my heart goes out to you and yours. Youll definitely be in my thoughts.

As for the holidays I really agree with you. I refuse to undo all my work for a HOLIDAY..and then when its over feel terrible because Im still fat. NOT!

If I live long enough another holiday will approach and I'd rather face it at my goal weight than still be trying to take it off again this time next year.

We can do this and be successful if we want. I want...

Anonymous said...
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Jay said...

This is where a plan would come in handy :).

I agree with you about the holidays. I've been struggling to maintain my weight over the last two weeks, even with the crazy workouts. My body wants to lose weight, but I'm not letting it. Maybe I should get out of my own way!

Sorry about your loss :(

Rob Tucker said...

Sweet! You've got yourself a spammer =)

Btw, update more - it's almost NEXT weekend. How's things going?