Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

Todays weigh in: 237.4 (NEW LOW!!!)

So other than a freaking sweet weigh in, there's not much to talk about today. I did two miles today (thank God it quit raining) and started out the day in the normal way. A banana for breakfast with no raisins because I ran out yesterday, two oatmeal sandwiches and a salad for lunch (this is standard, get used to seeing it) and a steak and a potato for dinner. It was a decent sized steak, but not obscenely large like I'd have eaten at this time last year. I also had one piece of crazy bread (OOPS!!) but all in all, not such a bad day. Hopefully, that piece of bread won't come back to bite me in the butt.

My main focus right now is the 3 Day. I'm still not sure if I decided to lose weight because I would be walking everday anyway to train, or if I decided to train for the 3 Day to lose weight, but one way or another it worked out. I've been training for this thing and raising money since Early April, and I'm really looking forward to it. I can't believe it's finally here! I just wish there was more time to get all of my schoolwork done before it gets here, but hey it could be worse. I'm really hoping that walking sixty miles in three days will get rid of some unwanted flab, but we'll see how it goes. Here's hoping anyway. If I don't get back before then, good luck to all of you weekend warriors. You get what you earn. Earn it this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jim, I just wanted to say hello and give you props for doing this :)

Good luck at the 3 day!

Rob Tucker said...

I've already said it, but I'll say it again.

BIG time proud of you for this. You've come such a long way - and we're going to keep on going. You're blazing trails for me for the walk next year. See you this weekend!

Jay said...

good luck!

Melissa said...

Yes its finally HERE! Im so excited I can barely stand it! Whats your tent case we dont run in to each other I can come by and say hi :)

Im in J76.

Ripx180 said...

good luck on the 3 day. This weekend warrior is planning on taking the weekend by storm. finally feel like I am hitting my stride. Time to earn some. I dont think there is anyway you can not loose weight if your walking 60 miles in a weekend, thats insane. I think my feet would fall off. You 3 dayers are walking machines.

billy said...

What the hell is an Oatmeal Sandwich and why eat two of them???

Jim McCoy said...


That was a misprint. I did this blog at work, and was talking to someone about what types of oatmeal our kids like. (Exciting stuff, I know) They're actually tuna sandwiches. As for why two? I dunno, habit I guess, but I've lost sixty pounds eating two sandwiches a day almost everyday, so it seems to be working.

Rob Tucker said...

LOL! Oatmeal sandwiches - I just assumed it was one of your weird concoctions.

billy said...

ok, that makes more sense! If I were you I'd pack twice the tuna into one sandwich, but if it works, it works...

Ripx180 said...

I thought maybe it was like a oatmeal fried pancake with some meat or something in the middle. ;)

Melissa said...

I never really looked to see if I lost any weight over the weekend, so that should be interesting. We literally are eating ALL weekend, so I wonder if it is possible. Eat, Drink, Walk, and Pee. :)